– 休會辯論 (石禮謙)



學生,但總要有解決的辦法。我們是否要看到我們的孩子的血灑在夏愨道、金鐘、旺角,甚至軒尼詩道?我們不想。大家看看,學生把Victor HUGO 的著作 Les Misérables 帶到街頭戰上,他們叫喊 freedom 、equality、 fraternity,他們流了很多血。法國大革命後,他們得到了freedom、equality and fraternity,最終,整個西方也得到了自由、民主、公道和平等。


以下讓我再讀另一個email給大家聽。這是我女兒寫給我的,看了我感到很痛心。她這樣寫:“Daddy, I am so sad. All these years we, as tutors, have taught our children and young people to be rational, to voice their views in a peaceful way, to believe in their dreams and be a world changer, be rational, talk instead of fight. But they told me, they are devastated, furious and disappointed to see their friends who are protesting peacefully being beaten up by the police officers. They have been staying on the street for days. I don’t know Joshua WONG(黃之鋒), but I know my students. They are passionate, they love Hong Kong, yet rational and peaceful. How could we and how could society disappoint our next generation like this? They are now watching LegCo debates and they are totally disappointed. We are pushing them to the edge of a cliff. They told me in the past, their bottom line was not to be arrested; they just want their voices to be heard. Now, their bottom line is to stay alive, not die. They meant it. They are tired, they are frustrated and found no hope. So, so sad.”


我問女兒有否看過Victor HUGO那部著作,她說有。我說我們經歷了六四 – 當時她年紀很少 – 所有犧牲……今時今日,中國在世界上是一個強國,中國由1982年起一部分一部分修改憲法,不可

王國興議員剛才不停罵學生,我要說一句公道話。他們讀的書、看的《基本法》第四十五條是答應了給他們普選。我們建制派對於普選有很清晰的看法。在我們就任立法會議員時,我們曾宣誓要維護《基本法》,而《基本法》的確說會讓我們有普選。人大於 8月 31日決定的普選框架,與同學們所看的普選不同。他們看的普選……Rule of law是甚麼,要很清晰,我們不要就這樣quote
李國能。 Rule of law 的 constitutional convention 包 括 universal suffrage、human rights、equality、free election based on universality and equality。不過,不打緊,這些是西方的想法。

《基本法》說明我們可以享有“一人一票”,這是to the words of the law, not to the spirit of那些小孩子。我們明白他們要的是理念。我們這個議會的責任,便是好好地向他們解釋整個情況。我們應以這件事檢討一下這個社會多麼失敗。回歸17年,我們的孩子沒有機會了解真正的中國歷史、真正的《基本法》、國家憲制和憲法。這件事成功之處,在於可以讓他們跳出我們的教育範圍,從一個不同的角度看。

所以,不要怪這羣學生。好像他所說,他們日以繼夜在戰場 – 在街上睡 – 你以為很有趣嗎?換了是你,睡一晚也不行。可是,我們也要和諧。


我們作為議員,應該向他們解釋《基本法》,解釋人大在 8月 31日的決定是不能改變的。如果要改,我很希望他們離開現場,讓我們在立法會這個戰場打這場政治戰。關於八三一(8月31日)的決定,國家並沒有強迫我們要。國家給了我們“一人一票”,讓我們在第三部曲時決定接受或不接受“一人一票”。即使不接受,選擇原地踏步,按照《基本法》,我們也可以在2024年、2027年再向人大提出五部曲,這樣便和平。王國興議員說得對,要和平解決這件事,不要孩子日曬雨淋,風吹雨打。

President, this is the first time that I have seen a young boy appear on the Time Magazine. That is not really a compliment. The Time Magazine has given him such a standing. In this particular issue of the Time Magazine, it said: “Teenager Joshua WONG and the youth of Hong Kong are standing up for democracy. Can they win?” Nobody can win in Hong Kong. This whole saga has brought us down substantially to a level that we have never dreamt of. This is not a time for recriminations, nor is this a time for allegations and accusations. President, this is a time for reconciliation. We should lead our students and protesters in the street in a peaceful manner, and then lead them to walk the road of love for the country and love for Hong Kong. If we keep challenging them, we are giving them a road to despair. For the next 30 years, their hearts will be filled with hatred. This is something which we do not want our next generation to be. I urge colleagues to be fair, forget about politics, forget about the votes in 2016. Let us work together for conciliation and for the good of Hong Kong. Thank you.